Tuesday, June 01, 2010

More Memories from AZ in no particular order!

Greg and I hanging out at Michelle's house.
Michelle and her little ones... Lana and Ashton. Too cute!
I tried to get them to smile but Ashton was a little nervous around me...
Lana made up for it though! Just like her mom... a little ham!
Michelle stealing kisses from Ryan.

Ashton was so adorable with Lana's glasses on.
He posed and strutted his stuff!
Part of the family all together! I love seeing them!

Ryan was obsessed with these little animals. They danced
and sang for him and he just watched them for hours!
My friend, Michelle, and I hanging out at BW's. She flew all the way from
Oregon to see Mel graduate. We had a great time catching up with each other!
Josh and Greg at BW's. They totally should have done some karaoke!
The family, minus Michelle :( at Mel's graduation.

Ryan loved my parents porch. Josh had this roller coaster
when he was little and it is still making kids laugh!

Ashton wasn't too sure of me the whole trip!
Michelle's and my map of Arizona freeways in french fries at In and Out.
I am not sure how accurate it was but it suited our purpose!

We had the best time hanging out with family and friends. It was too short of a trip to see everyone but we will just have to go again.... when it isn't an oven out there! :)

1 comment:

Gates & Tausha said...

you came to AZ?!?! you sneaky thing! i would have loved to see you!!! :)